National FFA Organization

Blake Siewert, Ashley Mellgren, Emily Mellgren, and Lillian Schumacher, all of Lake City FFA.
The team placed 2nd overall in the competition. Individual placings include Blake Siewert- 5th, Ashley Mellgren- 9th, Emily Mellgren- 12th, and Lillian Schumacher- 21st. The team also placed 1st overall in the Team Activity Portion of the contest.
INDIANAPOLIS- Winners of the National FFA Dairy Cattle Evaluation and Management Career
Development Event (CDE) were announced Friday, October 25 during the fourth session of the 97th National FFA Convention & Expo in Indianapolis. The top ten individuals and the national winning team members received cash awards to recognize their success in the event.
The National FFA Dairy Cattle Evaluation and Management CDE is a competitive event that tests the student’s ability to select and manage quality dairy cattle. Event components include six classes of dairy cattle, herd record evaluation and dairy management team activity. Each team competed at local and state levels to earn the privilege of representing their home state at the National FFA Convention & Expo.
The Team representing Minnesota consisted of Blake Siewert, Ashley Mellgren, Emily Mellgren, and Lillian Schumacher, all of Lake City FFA. The team placed 2nd overall in the competition. Individual placings include Blake Siewert- 5th, Ashley Mellgren- 9th, Emily Mellgren- 12th, and Lillian Schumacher- 21st. The team also placed 1st overall in the Team Activity Portion of the contest. Each team was provided with a dairy farm management scenario to identify problems and determine possible improvements as part of the team activity. The team was coached by volunteer- Kayla Sexton and Lake City Ag Teacher and FFA Advisor- Haely Leiding.