Building a Resume
Complete a resume that can be used for job, scholarship and college applications. Most word processing programs have templates that will help you and will be similar to the following suggested outline:
- Your Name
- Address
- Phone
- E-mail (optional)
Goals: varies according to purpose of resume (Examples: to obtain a B.S. degree in Education, to gain entry level job in… complete four year college degree and attend graduate school for…..)
Education: (High school & address, honors/AP classes, Post –secondary classes/location, GPA, rank, test scores)
Honors/Awards: (Honors diploma, honor roll, competition awards, etc.)
Activities: activity, years involved, leadership/role
Athletics: this can be included in activities, but if it is a major part of your activities, it can be a separate category (team, JV or varsity, years involved, letters, team championships/honors)
Volunteer Experience: organization, years involved, leadership/role
Work Experience: company, location, your position, dates of employment
Other Interests/Travel:
References: name, (family, friend, employer, teacher, etc.), address, phone (always ask people you want to list as references if it is OK to do so and check what contact information you can list- address/phone?)