Driver’s Education
Welcome to Lincoln High School Driver Education. All information regarding Driver Education is found on this website. Depending on what your looking for, information is posted under the subject on the left of this page. Click on subject area to look at information.
I have been approved to be a web-based knowledge testing system with the Minnesota Department of Public Safety and Vehicle Services Division. What this means, I will be able to administer the written test to any students who takes the classroom at Lincoln High School. Test will be administered when students complete the 30 hours of classroom.
If you have any questions, please reach out to me or call my cell phone 651-261-7455
Contact: Cindy McGrath
Behind the Wheel during the school year is offered either before school, during study hall or after school. Sign up will be done by age. Ms. McGrath will email student when their name appears on the list. If you have any questions, please contact
Ms. McGrath or cell phone 651-261-7455.
Parent Information
Below you’ll find information concerning new drivers. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions concerning driver education:
- Home phone: 345-4849
- Cell Phone: 651-261-7455
Parent Information
Students in grades 9-12 who have not taken the class and turn 15 by August 31, 2025 may sign up starting now for the Spring Classroom session of Driver’s Education. Sign up will be done online through Community Education E-Store. Go to the School Website, click on Community Education E-store online payments /registration. When signing up online, please write the students First, Middle, Last name as it appears on their Birth Certificate and their birth date, as well as their grade. You must pay $350 to sign up. Those who choose not to sign up online, may go to Bluffview Elementary School and sign up in the Principal Office with Mrs. Glenna. $350 covers the Classroom and Behind the Wheel. STUDENTS MUST HAVE AN IPAD OR COMPUTER TO REGISTER FOR THIS CLASS.
The class will start on Monday, April 14 at 6:30 AM and end on Monday, May 19 at 8:00 AM. Makeup Class will be offered on Saturday, May 17 from 8:00-11:00 AM. Class meets in room 124. The State Permit test will be given on Tuesday, May 20 starting at 6:30 AM in Room 124 for those who qualify. Students who don’t qualify to take the Permit Test due to age will have to go to an Exam Station to take the Permit Test. Please look at the dates and times in the calendar below for when the classroom will be in session. You must attend all class times to meet the time requirement of 30 hours.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
April 14 6:30-8:00 AM | April 15 6:30-8:00 AM | April 16 6:30-8:00 AM | April 17 6:30-8:00 AM | April 18 No School | |
April 21 6:30-8:00 AM | April 22 6:30-8:00 AM | April 23 6:30-8:00 AM | April 24 6:30-8:00 AM | April 25 6:30-8:00 AM | |
April 28 7-8 AM | April 29 7-8 AM | April 30 7-8 AM | May 1 7-8 AM | May 2 7-8 AM | |
May 5 7-8 AM | May 6 7-8 AM | May 7 1:30-3:00 PM Parent Meeting 6:00-7:30 | May 8 7-8 AM | May 9 7-8 AM | |
May 12 7-8 AM | May 13 7-8 AM | May 14 7-8 AM | May 15 7-8 AM | May 16 7-8 AM | May 17 Make Up 8-11 AM |
May 19 7-8 AM | May 20 Permit Test 6:30 AM |
No refunds will be given after the student signs up for the class. Next Classroom will be Fall 2025.