Lake City Preschool

Preschool Registration

Opens February 10th @ 8am
Closes February 28th @ 4pm

Cub Care information- coming soon!
parent aware

Lake City Preschool Registration


Lake City Preschool will open registration on Thursday, February 1st at 8am for the 2024-2025 school year.  If you are interested, please fill out the registration forms below and submit your registration fee. Once we have that we will do our best to place your child, keep in mind spots are limited so it may not be your first choice and it is a random lottery draw.  We do place our current 3 year old’s first for their 4 year old preschool year.

Click {here} for 3 year old preschool- will be 3 on or before September 1, 2024 or download registration form below and fill out and return.

Click {here} for 4 year old preschool-will be 4 on or before September 1, 2024 or download registration form below and fill out and return.

Your child does not need to be toilet trained to join our program, however it is strongly encouraged.

Your registration will not be considered complete until a $35 registration fee is paid, click {here} to take you to the Estore for online payment, or mail in a check payable to ISD 813 or cash to Lake City Community Ed, 1156 W. Lakewood Ave., Lake City MN 55041.

If you are in need of scholarship information please contact Amanda, contact information below.

If you have any questions please contact the Community Education Office at 651-345-7170 or email

Registration Information

Cub Care:

Registration is Now OPEN (2/25/26)! You must be enrolled in our Preschool program in order to attend. We require a 3 day minimum and your child MUST be potty trained to attend Cub Care. Please head to our Tiger Time/Cub Care website for more information


Early Childhood Screening

Early Childhood Screening (ECS) is a program that helps you see how your child is developing before they enter Kindergarten. ECS also helps find potential health and developmental concerns that may cause barriers to your child’s learning. ECS connects you and your child to programs and resource to support healthy growth and development. ECS is required by Minnesota law for all children before entering Kindergarten.

Is there a fee? ECS is FREEto all children ages 3, 4, and 5-year olds.

Why screen at 3?

  • To see how your child is growing and developing
  • More time to provide support if there are concerns
  • Connect you and your child to early education programs and resources
  • Get it all done and out of the way before Kindergarten

What is the process?

Call our office at 651-345-7170 to make an appointment for your child. Or if you prefer, email our office at

Complete the forms needed for the screening.

  • Forms may be mailed to you or downloaded here.
  • Bring the completed forms to your child’s appointment or email the completed forms to

On the day of the appointment:

  • Bring your child
  • Bring a copy of your child’s birth certificate or passport and immunization record
  • Plan for at least an hour for the screening
  • You may accompany your child throughout the screening
  • Your child will be screened in each of the areas below:




















  • All results and your child’s health history and immunization will be reviewed at the end of the screening.

Lake City Preschool provides a clean, safe, and healthy environment where every child can develop emotionally, physically, intellectually and socially.  The program encourages learning and growth through play.  We believe that children grow at their own pace, and support their development in ways that help them become confident in themselves as learners.  It is our goal to create an environment and program where the child’s natural desire to learn is stimulated through meaningful appropriate and playful learning experiences one that meets the needs of each child as an individual.




 All classes are 2 hours and 30 minutes.  Children do not need to be potty-trained to attend but it is highly encouraged.  (must be trained to enroll in Cub Care)

Preschool 4 (must be 4 on or before September 1, 2025 to enroll)

5 Day Program: $240

4 Day Program: $200

3 Day Program: $160

AM & PM options (8:30-11am & 12:35-3:05pm)


Preschool 3 (must be 3 on or before September 2, 2025 to enroll)

3 Day Program: $160

2 Day Program: $125

AM (PM options may be available) (8:30-11:30am)

Our Curriculum

The Macmillan/McGraw-Hill’s Little Treasures, comprehensive pre-k literacy curriculum is used in the preschool classroom which aligns with the elementary reading program.  In addition, Everyday Mathematics, which emphasizes the application of mathematics to real-world situations, is also used in the classroom.  Learning centers include dramatic play, art, writing, block, sensory, manipulative, music, movement and gross motor activities.

Little Treasures

More information


Transportation is available through Hiawathaland Transit at the parent’s expense.


Child Care

Child Care is available through Cub Care before and after preschool classes and on non-school days.


Class Information

Non-school days 

LC Preschool Handbook

Mary Schumacher

Early Childhood Coordinator | PK 4 teacher 

ECFE teacher

Jodi Lundell

PK 4 teacher

Anna Walker

PK 3 & PK 4 teacher | ECFE Teacher

Edie Sward

PK 3 teacher

Questions: Contact the office @ 651-345-7170

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