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Welcome to the Home of the Lake City Cross Country Team! 

The 2024 season practice begins on 8/12 at 9 AM in the high school foyer


Contact: Howie Cook


Mon.        Aug. 12          Practice Begins                                       9:00 AM                      

 Weds.      Aug. 21          Lake City – Time Trial at Dusk               7:00 PM

 Fri.           Aug. 30          Irish Invite – Rosemount                          8:00 AM  

 Thurs.      Sept. 5          Crazy Buffalo – LaCrescent                      4:30                           

 Tues.       Sept. 10         DESC Invite – Dover-Eyota                       4:30

 Tues.       Sept. 17          Lake City Invite                                        4:30

Sat.          Sept. 21          Smiley Invite -Wausau East-WI              TBD

Thurs.      Sept. 26          Durand Invite                                            4:00

Tues.        Oct. 8              Packer Invite or Jordan Invite               4:00

Tues.        Oct. 15            HVL – Stewartville                                 4:30

Thurs.       Oct. 24           Section 1A – Northern Hills                   3:00
                                          (Girls 1st)
Sat.           Nov. 4             STATE – U of M Golf Course                   TBD                      

Mon.          Nov. 18        Banquet                                                      7:00           




BOYS:       5000M     Carl Kozlowski(State)         2016       15:57

GIRLS:       3200M     Jody Buck         (LC)             1988       11:27

                   4000M     Sandy Moyer (Princeton) 1998       14:59

                   5000M     Jacey Majerus (Austin)      2019       18:51


BOYS:       5000M     Carl Kozlowski (DE)            2013        16:53

GIRLS:       3200M     Jody Buck         (LC)            1985        11:40

                   4000M     Sandy Moyer   (LC)            1999        15:08

                   5000M     Jacey Majerus(Austin)      2019        18:51


BOYS:       3200M     Aaron Nelson (LC)               1984       10:59

                   5000M     Carl Kozlowski (Austin)     2012       17:40

GIRLS:       3200M     Jody Buck         (LC)             1984       11:52

                   4000M     Sandy Moyer (Princeton) 1998       14:59

                   5000M     Jacey Majerus (LC)             2018       18:48



In order to practice, the yellow release form from the AD’s office must be in the coaches’ hands.

Practice is Monday through Friday.  Athletes are expected to be there from the beginning to the end of practice.

Athletes need to be in school the total day to practice. This is a school policy.

Practices missed due to detention will be made up.

A doctor’s note for the coach will be necessary to practice again if the athlete misses practice due to a doctor’s appointment.

A trainer is available on Monday and Thursday at 3:00 PM in the Activites Director’s office.  The coaches need to set up the appointment

Athletes will present a letter composed by the coach to their last period teachers before the first meet.  This letter will let the teacher know that the athlete is competing in Cross Country, and that they are aware that they are responsible for all assigned work missed due to early dismissal.  Athletes need to get these notes signed by the teacher and returned to the coach before the first meet.

You are a student/athlete not an athlete/student.

Athletes may be asked to attend a team study hall if their grades begin to fall.


We don’t cross highways without a coach present.

We don’t interrupt the flow of traffic.

Shoes are good for 500 miles whether they are walked in or run in.  It’s important to have proper footwear to avoid injuries.

All athletes advancing on the Section team, nine per team, are expected to be at practice at 9:00 AM on the Thursday and Friday of MEA.  We have practice at this time so that athletes visiting colleges can do both.

Buses roll ten minutes after class dismissal.  We leave at that time to allow all athletes proper warm up time.

Headsets are to be used on the bus to allow others to focus on their race.

Cell phones and IPod type music players aren’t to be out during the meet.

Draw attention to yourself through performance not through dress or personal appearance.

Warm ups will be run in team sweats.  The bottoms will be zipped fully to avoid damage to the bottom of the sweat bottoms.

Full team sweats will be worn to the awards ceremony by ALL team members.  You represent Lake City best in full sweats.

At the completion of the meet, a total team warm down will be run together.

The TENT is the same as a bench in other sports.  It is for athletes getting ready to compete.  Other athletes should be on the course warming up or acting as the “Eighth Runner” and being on the course for their fellow runners.  We would appreciate parents avoiding this area during competition.

We want our athletes on the bus both ways.  We understand that this isn’t always possible or feasible.  If parents are taking their athletes, they must sign a release sheet that the assistant coaches will be carrying.

Athletes will be allowed to get off the bus at previously agreed upon spots on the way back to Lake City if a parent is present when the bus arrives at the site.  If a parent isn’t there, the athlete will return to Lake City.

Parents will be contacted fifteen minutes outside of Lake City from the bus to allow them to get to school to pick up their athlete in a reasonable amount of time.  A short meeting of less than five minutes will follow the unloading of the bus.  Students may leave immediately after this.  Being there in this time frame allows your athlete to get home and take care of homework, and the coaches to pursue the things they need to do following the meet.

Keeping wind suits and uniforms clean during the season is the responsibility of the athletes.  They need to be washed inside out in cold water.  This will protect the lettering and avoid discoloration of the wind suit and uniform.  A paper copy of washing directions will be handed out to each athlete when they receive their uniforms.

Uniforms will be collected from nonsectional participants immediately after the Conference Meet.  If the athlete is going home with parents that day, the uniform will be collected at the meet site.  If this is the case, bring extra clothes for the change.

All seniors who have competed previously in Cross Country are captains to start the season if they choose to be one.

Captains will be responsible for working with the team to come up with boys, girls, and total team goals.

Captains will be at all competitions throughout the year.  Cross Country will take precedence over other activities unless waved by the head coach.  Example: Swain Invite vs. Homecoming.

To achieve All Conference awards you must finish in the top twenty-one at the conference meet in the varsity races.  This depends on the number teams in the HVL with Cross Country.

Not adhering to the MSHSL rules will loss All Conference awards and your captainship.

To advance to the State Meet, you must finish in the top eight runners not on the first or second place team at the Section Meet or be a member of the first or second place team.


1.    You must run 20:00 for the Boys’ 5000M and 23:00 for the Girls’ 5000M on a measured        5000M course.
2.     You run in the Varsity HVL race.
3.     You run in the Section 1A race.
4.     You run in the State Meet race as a team member or individual.
5.      Coach’s discretion.


We believe that as athletes improve themselves individually, the team improves also.

We believe that athletes need to be eased into training so that they see running as a joy and not as a punishment as in other sports.  We achieve this by individualizing training as much as possible.

We believe that athletes need to compete at a level that is comfortable for them, and as they learn to compete and train, they can advance to the next level.

Our program is one of TOTAL participation at each event up to the Sectional Meet.  There is no bench, and ALL athletes compete if they are in good standings with the MSHSL, Lake City High School, and the head coach.

We run the same workouts that have proven successful over the years, but we know that these workouts will be more successful if the athletes train on Saturdays and summers.  These workouts aren’t mandatory, but we show the importance of them by giving participating athletes T-shirts as a reward for meeting summer mileage and Saturday participation.

I have a saying, “I can show you how to be successful, but you need to do it to improve.”  I believe that 100%

Running is a “lifetime” exercise.  We want athletes to believe that and live that after they leave us.

LASTLY, Lake City Cross Country is known for our “Sportsmanship”.  We do this by being involved as athletes and coaches before, during, and after the meet.

Accordion Content

2018 CC Booklet