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In the event that school must be closed because of severe weather or other emergency situations, announcements will be made as early as possible in the morning or during the school day. Parents, students and staff of Lake City Public Schools will be notified directly through our emergency notification system. Management of this system can be done by parents in JMC. If you have questions regarding the emergency notification system or need further assistance with it, please contact the secretary at the building your student attends.  Those not included in the direct notification system, can listen to or watch the following television or radio stations for up-to-date information regarding late starts, early dismissals, and school closings. 
Radio Stations                                                   Television Stations
KLCH—Lake City (94.9 FM)                                   WCCO    (Channel 4)
KWWK—Rochester (96.5 FM)                                 KSTP       (Channel 5)
Y105—Rochester (105.3 FM)                                  FOX 9    (Channel 9
KROC—Rochester (106.9 FM)                                9KTTC    (Channel 10)
KLCX—Rochester (107.7 FM)                                 KARE 11 (Channel 11)
KQUE—Red Wing (1250 AM)
KWEB—Rochester (1270 AM)
KDHL—Faribault (920 AM)